
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Arrival

I made it in. After terrible traffic in San Francisco, which seemed to be caused only by two vehicles stopping randomly in different locations in the middle of the freeway, I finally got to Palo Alto Hills. When I arrived there was no one here but some guy moving his stuff out. Fortunately he let me in, but I can't help but worry about how trusting this guy is. Then again, what's he going to do?

I mentioned my obsession with the mileage counter, right? Well, it would seem that California roads are much more efficient than Oregon roads. Now a lot of you are probably thinking that's just because they're flatter, which they certainly are, but even during the flat sections, I got better mileage than I did in Oregon. It was weird noticing the different efficiencies of the different paving styles and materials, and how much being worn affected it. (I was on cruise-control here, so changing speed wasn't an issue. The computer seemed to know exactly how much gas to put in, as whenever I took over, I became much less efficient.)

Anyway, I've unpacked my stuff and am now heading over to see Thayer while I still have the car.


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