
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Simians

This weekend Pat, Chad, and Thayer's brother Sean, who I guess would also be a Thayer, came up to remove Thayer and return him to Simi. They made it in time for my party on Saturday, which was a good bit of fun. I did a little bit better this time. Two of the people I invited came. Sigh. Who needs Googlers? Thayer brought all his cool nVidia friends. Jeff (from nVidia) even brought with him little green glowy disks. Similar to glow sticks - crack them and they glow for eight hours or so. Well, Jeff brought a box of several hundred. At first we stuck them on people (they had sticky backs). Then we put them down in the drive way, so people would find our place (the street doesn't have street lights, and we don't have external lights). Then, as is only natural with disk-like objects, people started to throw them. We got a little war going on in the back yard. Cool people don't dance. Cool people throw glowing disk-things at eachother. They didn't fly so well, but they were fun to throw, and they went every where. The back yard was covered in them. Eventually, they got stuck to trees. All-in-all, a good night, even if there weren't a ton of girls.


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