
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Dance

Tuesday was pretty cool. We had the Google Dance. This meant we had everyone at Google partying from about 6:30 until 11pm. Pretty swanky. So many kegs of beer. Lots of cases of wine. Loads of smart people. Fun fun fun. They turned the main cafe into a club. They had the lights, the DJ, they even had a little roped off section with the low white leather couches. Pretty cool. At the beginning they had a really good music selection (even some of the new Thom Yorke), but it got quite clubby as the evening wore on. The last song they played was "My Humps". Fuck. I hate that song. I'd rather sing "Toxic".

I have gotten to the point where I can't drink most bottled beer. It's just not good anymore. So many pale ales (which I used to like) smell like puke. And it's not like I had a terrible puke-orific night with pale ale. Ever since Thayer pointed it out at Rogue's (brewery/restaurant), I haven't been able to really enjoy it. Sigh. I miss Seattle beer. I'll have to go on a beer tour when I get back....


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