
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Empty

Okay, so nothing really happened this week. I went in to work every day, got home, and went to sleep (didn't even play any games!). Really nothing exciting. We have plans to go wine tasting on Sunday, hopefully that'll happen. If not, I dunno. I guess the closes thing to news is that I've been making an effort to bike to and from work in just the highest gear. I can go to work in 21st gear regularly, and with no hands. With the exception of starting from an intersection or two in a lower gear, usually at the beginning of the way back, before I decide I'm going to commit to this, I can make it back in 21st gear. I tried on Thursday to come back with no hands where I could. It's a lot harder. To bike with no hands you need to be going relatively fast. Fast enough that the rotational inertia of the bike is enough to dampen any side-to-side swaying you may make when pedling. Having that speed going uphill is difficult. Not to mention the increased wind resistance. Thursday's ride back was really hard compared to Friday's, where I used my hands the whole way (that's a funny clause when taken out of context). Either way, my legs feel kinda weird. They're totally all muscle now. Like my forearm, I can flex it, and it's rick-hard with skin on top. Kinda weird. My stomach and biceps are getting there, but still not there yet. In time. In time....

Oh. In other news, it's frakin' hot. And we don't have AC. And my roommates have it worse than I.

"We've got a coast to coast heatwave, but luckily I'm America's biggest fan" - Stephen Colbert


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