
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The (Not) Censorship

So, we had a talk by the Jim Steyer, CEO/founder of Common Sense Media, at Google yesterday. I hadn't heard of it before, but the little flyer snipped said something about protecting children. I automatically assumed that this ment censorship of what I could produce, or what I could buy. I was surprised and grateful to be mistaken. Steyer actually seemed to have his head on straight. He wasn't for censorship at all. His site is reviews to inform parents so they know if something falls within the guidelines they deem appropriate for their children. Okay. That sounds good. Apparently they haven't really taken political stances on any censoring at all (well, censorship to kids, I suppose). I haven't looked into it too much, but I do intend to. Sounds interesting.


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