
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Friends

Wow, today was ridiculously fun. Pat, Jon, Thayer and I went to San Francisco. We met up with Seattle Ben and went to this Japanese Whisky bar, Nihon. I don't like the taste of whisky, so it was kinda disappointing for me, but Jon, Thayer, and Pat really enjoyed it. I kinda wish I really liked whisky, so I could enjoy this, but it was still fun to watch them get a kick out of it. The place had a bunch of different dishes which we all tried. I had real sushi (without the lame wrapping). The sushi was actually really good. All of the food was good, but not enough for dinner. I really liked this place. The head waitress, Janet, was super cute too. She and the bartender, Jojo, were really nice. Very cool to us, gave samples, friendly, talked, everything. Definately my kind of place - I just wish I liked the drinks more. After Nihon, we went to Rogue's Public House for some of their beer and their Kobe beef burgers. The burgers were really good - you definately notice a difference in the meat. I still can't say they were as good as Andy's buffalo and pepper-corn burgers, but they were quite tasty. They also had a really good chocolate-stout ice-cream float. We dropped off Ben and tried finding some bars after Rogue's, but failed. There wasn't much happening. So, we went back to Nihon and had some more whisky. I had a grean-tea liquor and whisky concoction which was pretty good. The green-tea liquor was pretty amazing. It was quite and expensive night - I spent somewhere around $80, Thayer and Pat (who were drinking a lot of good whisky) around $120. But it was so much fun. I really liked Nihon. I'll have to figure out some way of going back and being able to drink more. It was really sweet. This was the first time I've been to bars with Pat and Jon and Chris. It was really a lot of fun. You forget how much you miss really hanging out with people until you hang out with them again. Then it hits you, "wow, this is what I've been missing". Just riding back at night in the car with just the four of us, I can't help it. This feeling of happiness just washes over me, in that moment, life is just so awesome. Really amazing. I hope Pat and Jon come up here again. I love you guys!


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