
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Missing

So, I for a few minutes I forgot that Friday night was SciFi Friday. I'll post on that as soon as I finish watching them. This led me to make plans with some people from work. There was this girl who's been kinda flirty, and she invited me out with her team (which is mostlay a bunch of girls), so being caught off-guard and all, I agreed. This girl, Alex, is the one who was kinda flirty the first week, then told asked me if she could bring her boyfriend to my party. Then after she doesn't show up at the party is all firty whenever I run into her. Seriously, wtf?

I convinced Garrett to drive me up to the city and everything. We got there late, but not as late as the other people, so Garrett and I wandered around the city some. That was really fun. I love big buildings. It was nice to hang out with Garrett some. We finally got a "we're here, where are you" phone call, so we went to meet up with them. Unfortunately, the bar they were at had a $15 cover, and we weren't there for a long time, but I swallowed it - they were supposed to have an open bar at least. Of course, open bar means the drinks are mostly ice, and tiny 6oz plastic cups. I had a white russian, but then the bartender told me that it Kahlua is a "premium" drink, and it's three dollars. I told her I it was an open bar, she didn't say it was $3 ahead of time, and if she wanted to charge me I didn't want it. She was very busy, so she gave me a stern, "take it, but next time I'm charging you!". $15 cover, and then she wanted to charge me $3 for a really bad white russian. Shameful. That bar was definately not my element, so I kinda sat down and zoned out for a while. Alex finds me and brings me to meet all the googlers. I wander over and meet this cool guy named Sean/Shawn. We got into some cool conversations, but he disappeared later in the evening before I could aquire contact information. I'll have to check back at work.

When we finally left the crappy bar and walked to this other place. Turns out there were a lot more girls in the group than I initially anticpated. On the walk over, Alex informed me she had just broken up with her boyfriend. I also discovered that she smoked/quite smoking, and that she was a lot crazier than I had thought. I was very much not interested after that. She was pretty drunk and hanging over a guy Alex a lot, so I just let it happen. At the other place I met a few more girls, nothing too interesting though. When we walked in to the new place I saw a bunch of guys in suits with their "Sorry honey, I had to work late at the office"-girlfriends. Ugh.

I was persuaded to get up and dance with Alex at one point, and despite being told that I was a "good dancer" (which caught me quite by surprise, if it's to be believed), I had a horrible time. I'm guess I'm very not interested in her. And it's not like that dance was very hands-off. I'm intrigued that it was so unenjoyable. Heh, at one point I had to make a consious effor to smile. It's not like she's totally unattractive, either. Quite odd. Anyway, I was saved by having that be the last song of the night, so the bar closed and we started walking back. I got to meet one of the girls I thought was really cute, but changed my mind quickly. Finally met a cute asian girl and got her contact information (well, just her work email, but it's a start), so the night wasn't a total wash. Heh, one of the highlights of the night was talking to this Sean/Shawn guy (and that last girl). Interesting, ain't it?


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