
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Andy

Okay, I should have posted this last week when I last talked to Andy, but I didn't really get around to it, so here it is. I had intended to say some of this at his wedding reception, but I hadn’t really flushed it out or run in by anyone, so I didn’t really feel comfortable bringing it up. I guess I’m running it by you, illustrious reader.

I met Andy my freshman year. I had seen him around the dorm a bit, but never talked to him. I remember the first time we talked quite well. I was in the lounge watching TV when Andy comes up to me and asks, "Can I be your friend? I've seen you around and I think you're pretty cool." Naturally, this caught me a little off guard. I had seen Andy around, and but that is kind of an odd way to start a relationship. By my initial impressions and Andy’s long-hair, he was a scary drug-dealer. One could only hope by “friends” he didn’t mean slipping me drugs, putting me in a dress and lipstick and having his way with me.

Okay, so initial impressions aren’t always that accurate. It wasn’t until later that I found out he didn’t actually go to UW, but instead to Seattle Central was it? One of the local community colleges. He was only always in our dorm because his girlfriend (now wife) lived there, across the hall from me. He invited Jo, Kat, Kathy Liz and I over at one point to his apartment which was on 8th at the time. I thought that was a long walk. Now I walk twice it every day (when I’m in Seattle) just to get to campus. I went once and it was a tad weird, so when everyone moved out of the dorms after freshman year I didn’t think much of ever seeing Andy again.

It wasn’t until I moved in with Jo and Alissa the summer after sophomore year that I saw Andy again. It was that summer that I really got to know the guy. Once I actually talked to the guy, he wasn’t weird at all, in fact, he was pretty cool. Andy was really friendly with everyone, and shortly afterwards, finally got a direction. I had mistakenly dismissed him a little before because of his CC background and not really knowing what he wanted to do with life, but I guess he just needed some time. His jewelry has been awesome for him. After that summer I managed to keep in touch with Andy. Andy was my comic-book buddy. We could talk comics and superheroes, watch dorky action movies (and comic-book movies), etc. I found his jewelry fascinating. I remembered back to my days in metal-shop in high school and how much fun that was and enjoyed seeing Andy’s creativity. When Andy and Alissa got their new condo I still hung out with them. Went over to visit every so often (though not often enough sometimes, we were both quite busy), and saw various incarnations of Andy’s studio.

When Andy got married I was really happy for him. Alissa’s great, and I don’t know of a better couple. I still can’t believe he made Alissa such a gorgeous ring. Really awesome. I was so glad I could be there for that. Seeing him propose to her, the look on her face, seeing that kiss at the alter. Wow.

I talked to Andy last week and heard all about the latest at his job. For the past few months Andy has been working on remodeling a jewelry store’s new location. He’s been really hard-core about it too. Just going balls-out with 12+ hour days to get the place nice and up and running in time. Well, it finally opened, and apparently the owner was so impressed he gave Andy a seat at a bench. Andy gets to actually do jewelry work. Of course, he loves the other work, selling, finishing, all that too. It’s so fucking awesome to see the passion Andy has for this. To see him just working his ass off and finally getting recognition for his good, hard, honest work. At a time when a lot of my other friends are stuck at crap jobs, and I’m about to enter the workforce, it’s nice to see someone getting his due. I just hope that this establishment recognizes it all. So yeah, Andy, you’re awesome. I love you, man.


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