
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Massage

So, I started my last week this Tuesday, and I still have my massage coupon they gave out to all the new employees/interns at the beginning of the summer. It's an otherwise $80 massage. (Although they subsidize it to $20 for employees - yay!) I'd never had a real massage before, so it was a new experience for me. It was pretty sweet. She managed to stretch me in a really weird way I've nto felt before. Just enough so that I felt two inches taller, but without really pulling on anything, just pulling the muscles along the legs the right way. The whole thing was 45 minutes, but seriously felt like 20. I was so relaxed, when she was done and waiting outside, I just lay there for a few minutes before I could even look at the time. I finally managed to sit up, and whoo! So woozy. I was a bit euphoric as I walked out, tipped her, then made my way back to my desk. My cube mates said I looked quite funny. I did notice myself being really slow to respond and such. It was really nice and relaxing. I'll have to do these things again.


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