
A documentary of the journey of one Google intern.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Un-blogged (Until Now) Week

Yeah, so... I didn't update last week. Things were quite busy, and I wasn't getting back home before I had to go to bed (sometimes after!). So here goes the big update.


Sunday, after the party on Saturday, the Simians went to San Francisco's J-Town for food, fun, and hot womenz. We ended up eating at this Korean place. I hadn't really had Korean food before, save teriyaki, which doesn't count. So, I've learned I don't like Korean food. They did the beef really nice, flavorful, tender, etc, like a lot of Asian beef, but the rest of it was not so good. Some of it was downright terrible. After the Korean food, we wandered around looking for cool places or bars, or what-not. I hadn't eaten much, since I didn't like it, and the Thayers were hungry-monsters, as usual, so we found more food. We walked by a pizza place which smelled really good, but I wasn't too keen on it, then after looking around the block and not seeing anything else, it seemed like our best bet, so we went back. Unfortunately, they didn't serve slices, and the Thayers were getting something I didn't like, so I didn't eat anything. As Chad kindly pointed out, this meant that we didn't go there because of me, then we went there because of me, then I didn't get anything. Take that.

After Food2 we continued our search. Apparently Pat's really good at finding these sorts of things. Cheers to Pat! We found this really quiet bar with a cool bartender lady, good music, and some neat art on the walls. They had a lot of good beers too, everyone found something, and from Chad's cidar, to Thayer's Chimay, to my Pyramid, everyone was satisfied. Even had some wine. After the bar we went to Rogue's for more Kobe Beef burgers. Delicious. I had a Chocolate Stout Float. That's their Chocolate Stout beer, which is a bit strong and bitter for my taste on its own, but excellent with ice cream. We headed back to the cocktail lounge Pat wanted to see, but it had only old people, so we decided to just head back.


On Monday, Phil (Ben), got back from China, so we were going to meet up with him at Nipon, the Japanese Whisky Bar. The guys came over and had dinner at Google, as well as a brief tour. Everyone was quite impressed. We made it over to Nipon in good time, but since we weren't eatting dinner, apparently we couldn't sit upstairs. Unfortunately, Janet (the hot waitress from last time) and JoJo (the coolest bartender ever, also from last time) were not there. The present waitress was nice and asked a small party to move to one of the other tables downstairs so we could have room for all nine of us. Thayer's nVidians, Jeff, Carl, Lee, and Matt met up with us there. Quite a good time. I got to try a new beer, Hoe Garden. It was a very white (really, not light, but white) wheat beer. Pretty good. Not as good as the Green Man Tea (Green Tea liquor... ummm), but still good. The nVidians left a bit early, but the Simians went to find desert. After much driving around, we found this small place recommended by the Nihon waitress. It was pretty cool. Nice atmosphere, good food, decent prices, and pleasant waiters. I'd definately go back. We left around 12:30 am and made it back to my place around 1:30 am after driving away from Chris as he urinated on a tree. I showed everyone The Amazing Screw-On Head. I really liked it. It was funny and the animation and filming style was pretty unique. I hope Sci-Fi makes it into a full series. 'Twould be awesome. Maybe even... Amazing!


Tuesday I hung out with the nVidians for the first time without the Thayer. It worked out nicely. I got inducted over a habarnero burger. Boy, was that hot. It wasn't the hottest thing I've ever had, but there was just so much of it. Apparently it made Thayer's eyes water. I suffered no such unpleasantries. However, after my mouth had cooled off, my stomach did start getting upset. Wednesday's bowel movements were unpleasant.


Wednesday we had the 2nd annual intern cruise. It was pretty sweet. They took all the interns and their hosts (well, mine didn't come, but most of them did) out on the bay for a few hours. I wish I had had a camera. By the time I finally buy a camera, I'll not have anything fun to take pictures of. Sad. But other people got lots of cool pics, just not with me in them. I'll post some when I remember to bring them from work. The coolest part of the night was right as we were approaching and going under the Bay Bridge. I'm still not sure why, but someone was setting off a bunch of fireworks. Not a full-fledged Jo's birthday bash, but quite a few. They started as we were approaching the bridge and finished as we were leaving, so the timing was excellent.

I spent a lot of time talking to Alan Eustace, the Senior VP of Engineering at Google. Yeah, he was there. It was amazing how approachable the guy was. He's running a huge, multinational figurehead of a company, and he decided to spend an evening hanging out with interns, talking about intern things. We talked about the program a bit, and about patents, but the coolest part was him talking about college and education. He told us how he got to where he is today by his connections from grad school. Not so much the education, as the people he met. He really encourages students to go to grad school. I told him I was worried about Google changing and losing its awesomeness. Another guy pointed out that Google's already a big company. I can definitely see the signs already. Alan said that even if something happens to Google, there will be another company for me that'll be great too. It was really reassuring to hear this guy, who's so high up, who has a management perspective on the whole thing, to say Google would be as awesome as it is now for a while, and that school was worth the delay. I'm now leaning more towards grad school than industry right away. More inspiration for the GRE. I really need to start studying vocab. Suck. I think my final decision as to where I'm going to go will depend upon which schools I get to and what my offers are from various companies.


Thursday I got to come home at a reasonable time and just relax. I took a few phone calls and went to bed early.


Friday Phil, his office-mate Ryan Peterson (who's dad wrote our networking book!), and I went to see the new Will Ferrell movie, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. It was okay. Not as funny as Anchorman. Some of the jokes were good, but they weren't as consistent or persistent, and the plot wasn't as nice and outrageous. Fun to see, but not much more. Old School was better. After the movie we hung out at MSR for a while, played some neat (for a while, anyway) video game, and some ping-pong. I went back to San Francisco and crashed at Phil's place.


On Saturday we were to meet up with the nVidians (Jeff, Lee, and Patrick, and a Googler, Aaron) and wander around Berkeley. We woke up kinda late, so we missed lunch with them. The place we had lunch at had a super-hot waitress. Like, amazingly hot. I don't know how they make them like this. After lunch Phil and I met up with the nVidians and walked down Telegraph. It was pretty cool. Amazingly liberal, but at least interesting. There was one hippie playing music whose CD I was quite tempted to purchase, but did not. I called Ben (Bad Ben) for some recommendations as to cool places to visit. He recommended Top Dog, a philosophical hot-dog stand. We had just eaten, so we didn't get anything, but we still went to check it out. They had lots of newspaper clippings and other articles on good philosophical topics. I'm not sure if they have any specific philosophical leanings, but I saw a few seemingly good articles on individualism (I didn't have time to read them all, and there are always important subtleties in writings about these subjects). After that, we took Ben's great suggestion as to going up to the top of one of the campus buildings. It had a deck on the top floor with a great view of the city. Really fantastic. Ugly building, but great view. For some reason, there was a lot of graffiti on the side of the building. We couldn't tell if it was put there on purpose, or if there was some attempt to clean it off. We saw some scaffolding and a rig, so it was probably recent, either way.

We then walked over to the Berkeley public library. I had spent a good deal of my childhood in this building, and had missed seeing it since its renovation in 2002 last time I visited, so I wanted to reminisce. They had totally remodeled it, so the floor plans weren't at all what I remembered them to be. Only half of one floor remained as I remembered it. Oh well. It was still cool to be in a library and appreciating it again.

After the library we went to a cool little local pub which brewed its own beer and tried some. I'm really bad at knowing what kind of beer I want. I asked the waitress what beer she recommended. She asked what kind I liked, to which I replied "usually a lighter beer." She recommended the pilsner. I asked about the stout. Sigh. The beer was pretty good. Not excellent or amazing, but not crappy like most of the bottled beer I've had so far down here. It was nice just sitting around with these guys enjoying a beer, even if only half of us had one. Phil left us to meet up with some of his friends, and the rest of us headed back to Santa Clara to Carl and Matt's for some Eddy Izzard. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, there was no Izzard waiting for us. We ordered Pizza and watched Underworld: Evolution instead. It was a good night.


Sunday I had an invite from the nVidians to join them for a LAN party at nVidia. Man, I wish I could have gone to that. It would have been a lot of fun and a great bonding experience. I haven't done a real LAN party since High School (well, kinda do some small ones at Chad's over breaks). Unfortunately, I was too wiped. I had been out a lot (as you can see), and needed some down time. So Sunday I just stayed at home relaxing, catching up on Stargate (which they cancelled! so sad.), and playing some games. But now I'm recharged, so I can do things again. Oh, by the way, I am sad I missed the live showing of SG-1's 200th episode (though our cable's been out for a few days, I don't know if it was up on Friday to watch this anyway). It was a really great episode. They had a lot of great sketches and made good fun of all the iffy/weird things they've done over the years.

Wow. It took me 80 minutes to write this post. You guys better appreciate it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did except for the description of your bowel movements. ick...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:32:00 AM  

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